This Wall Decor Display includes five 11"x14" color prints, plus the exquisite sky sculpture pictured above. All prints attached to the wall are mounted on 2" thick lightweight material. The black edging gives the display a "built-in" look.

The prints floating on the sculptured sky are mounted on 1" thick lightweight material and appear to hang in midair over the wall piece. All prints are laminated with a UV protector that not only helps prevent fading, but protects the surface from damage due to cleaning or accidental spilling.

Custom original images photographed by Nick Gleis produce the finest prints and most unique displays. Stock images taken by Nick Gleis are included in the cost of the display, or customer-supplied images combined with the latest digital enhancement techniques, may also be used to produce the wall decor pieces. All displays can be modified to meet specific needs, and custom-designed original wall pieces are also available.

Please call 310-403-3950 for more information
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